Train-The-Trainer (TTT) Program

Train-The-Trainer Program is a program to ensure a pool of highly qualified and experienced milk grading experts are available for ODC’s Plant Milk Grader (PMG) training program.
Interested candidates must apply in writing to Ontario Dairy Council (ODC) Evaluation Committee by sending an email to An application will consist of a cover letter indicating interest, a detailed, current resume and an attached letter of recommendation and support from the applicant’s supervisor.
Criteria for applying:
- Applicant must hold a current and valid PMG Certificate.
- Applicant must have held a PMG Certificate for at least five years.
- Applicant must grade milk on a regular basis (at least once per week).
There is no cost to apply. Accepted applicants will be trained at no charge by ODC. Each applicant must agree, that upon successful completion of the program, they will volunteer their time and knowledge for future sessions of the PMG program at least once per year for a minimum of two years (provided the trainer is actively employed in the dairy industry). ODC will reimburse trainees for out-of-pocket expenses where necessary (mileage, accommodations, meals, supplies, etc.).
Accepted applicants will be required to work “hand-in-hand” with current PMG instructors for four full PMG Training Sessions within 36 months of being accepted to the program. The candidate will monitor and actively participate in each of the training sessions. A detailed guideline will be provided to successful candidates.
The applicant will be evaluated by PMG instructors at the end of the four sessions to determine candidate’s ability to prepare samples, work with students on learning techniques of grading and present the theoretical elements of the program. The instructors will submit the evaluation along with a recommendation for acceptance as an ODC Milk Grading Expert to the Evaluation Committee for approval.
Upon successful completion of the Train-The-Trainer program, ODC may add individuals to the list of ODC PMG Instructors and will work to schedule them in as instructors for training sessions.